Saturday 4 February 2017

Trump Under Deadly Attack!

What we are seeing around the Western world, is a thorough capitulation to globalist psychological terror of the mind and soul. It is a Satanic take over, by the elites, using Islam as a stick to beat the West into submission. The fight is on. Nationalism and the Sovereignty of states is the populist force that is at work, which propelled the UK out of the EU and got Donald Trump into The Whitehouse.

Today we have seen the executive power of the most powerful head of state, diluted by one Judge. We saw this in our UK, with one citizen, Gina Miller, going to the British Supreme Court disputing the executive power of a prime minister and succeeding. This is a play out of the same principle and it is only the beginning of the undermining of legally constituted government.

The sickening thing is, that people can be mobilised so quickly to get out onto the streets with the intent of acting more and more violently, to the point of Anarchy. Most have no idea exactly what they are being manipulated into doing, because they are deluded into believing that everything about Trump and his administration is devilish and intends harm to American values.

Nothing can be further from the truth, because the truth is the reverse. Trump needs prayer and support from those he elected, more than ever. Their voices need to be heard. May God give him strength, protection  and power and may the people's eyes be opened to perceive the real story of what is happening in this beginning stage of end-time tribulation.

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