Thursday 2 February 2017

FULL: President Donald Trump National Prayer Breakfast Speech

This is the heart of the real Donald Trump. He has his failings like us all, but he knows the importance of faith in God, probably more than many, as he stands in the most powerful office in the world. That itself takes great courage. Only 45 men have taken on the mantle and no matter who they are, we should respect that fact and the office in its own right. God calls upon us to pray for those in authority and that should be the first duty of believers of whatever faith they hold.

This was a dignified speech, no bluster, yes a couple of quips, but the meat of the speech, is a display of his sincerity in wanting to give all he can, to 'Make America Great Again' as he says. It's time to stop pre-judging his actions. He has only been President for about 250 hours!

I say to all in the Western world....give the man a chance. he needs time, to show what he can do. Be patient and pray, because this world needs all the help God can give through our leaders.

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