Friday 7 July 2017

Trump's wall needed now!

UK media reports that the drug Fentanyl, is rife in the USA, but don't report the truth that Trump's border wall with Mexico would help stem the flow of this stuff as they are the main exporters of it!!

Wednesday 31 May 2017


Sunday 9 April 2017

Be alert! Dont be swayed by any opinion

It's a while since I've written on this blog, but I believe a balance of thought is needed more than ever before. The media, both mainstream and internet alternative, are awash with opinion on the rights and wrongs of the latest missile strike by President Trump in Syria on Thursday. It is now such a huge minefield with the seeds of confusion being scattered at an unprecedented level to turn the hearts of Trump's supporters away from him and establish division upon division.

The fact that Trump's political enemies like CNN, John McCain, Hillary Clinton etc, are actually supporting his actions, has muddied the waters for many of his staunch base, who are sadly starting to desert him. On the one hand they are saying that he must've moved in the liberal's direction and become a Globalist now and on the other hand, it is said that he has succeeded in neutralising his opposing factions, who accused him of being a Russian agent for Putin. The US media are now even patting him on the back and supposedly now appearing to recognize his legitimacy as President!

This 'divide and conquer' strategy by the leftist powers, at work to establish the New World Order through war and chaos is only now getting warmed up to dilute the work that Trump has done so far and frustrate all his further plans.

It is very hard to know the truth, as it is so manipulated you will find yourself believing one thing one minute and the opposite opinion, literally the very next. This is designed to cement fear in people's hearts and must be resisted.

The thing to hold onto, is that you and me, as Joe Public, are not privy to inside intelligence, to be able to know if the latest attack on Syria was fully justified, or a false flag to lead into more deception.

I personally, still support President Trump, but it is clear that he is under such pressure from the powers of the 'Deep State' Military complex, to remove good men from his staff and backtrack on his promises, which I don't think he will do. He does want to put 'America first', but he has been blocked not only by the Democrat opponents, but by globalist Republicans in his own staff! He wants to give Americans good healthcare, safe borders and low taxes. What is wrong with that?

The accusations about him being a Russian stooge, have prevented him from having a meaningful relationship with Vladimir Putin, which is sad, to say the least. The liberals and the Generals are now pushing for the removal of Assad in Syria, but this is the same road the US went down with Saddam Hussein and Gadaffi. Assad's removal can only be good if there is a legitimate replacement, but there is no one.

The world is getting darker as urban terrorism increases, but in President Trump, God can still do a great work through him, to stabilise the world economy, as the US prospers through job creation and great trade deals, that could benefit the world, especially the UK, as we move towards Brexit.

Whether you support Trump or not, it is vital that world war is averted, as this is a very real prospect at present. We need the wisdom of God at this time to work through our appointed western world leaders, especially those who are God fearing men, like President Trump.

I say awake and alert...don't fall for speculative media opinion that has no basis in truth or and wait and pray, because world events have never been more on the edge of the precipice than they are now.

Remember and take note, if you haven't before....the Middle East is the place where biblical prophesy will be outworked and fulfilled for the good of mankind, so we have much to look forward to.

Saturday 4 February 2017

Trump Under Deadly Attack!

What we are seeing around the Western world, is a thorough capitulation to globalist psychological terror of the mind and soul. It is a Satanic take over, by the elites, using Islam as a stick to beat the West into submission. The fight is on. Nationalism and the Sovereignty of states is the populist force that is at work, which propelled the UK out of the EU and got Donald Trump into The Whitehouse.

Today we have seen the executive power of the most powerful head of state, diluted by one Judge. We saw this in our UK, with one citizen, Gina Miller, going to the British Supreme Court disputing the executive power of a prime minister and succeeding. This is a play out of the same principle and it is only the beginning of the undermining of legally constituted government.

The sickening thing is, that people can be mobilised so quickly to get out onto the streets with the intent of acting more and more violently, to the point of Anarchy. Most have no idea exactly what they are being manipulated into doing, because they are deluded into believing that everything about Trump and his administration is devilish and intends harm to American values.

Nothing can be further from the truth, because the truth is the reverse. Trump needs prayer and support from those he elected, more than ever. Their voices need to be heard. May God give him strength, protection  and power and may the people's eyes be opened to perceive the real story of what is happening in this beginning stage of end-time tribulation.

Thursday 2 February 2017

FULL: President Donald Trump National Prayer Breakfast Speech

This is the heart of the real Donald Trump. He has his failings like us all, but he knows the importance of faith in God, probably more than many, as he stands in the most powerful office in the world. That itself takes great courage. Only 45 men have taken on the mantle and no matter who they are, we should respect that fact and the office in its own right. God calls upon us to pray for those in authority and that should be the first duty of believers of whatever faith they hold.

This was a dignified speech, no bluster, yes a couple of quips, but the meat of the speech, is a display of his sincerity in wanting to give all he can, to 'Make America Great Again' as he says. It's time to stop pre-judging his actions. He has only been President for about 250 hours!

I say to all in the Western world....give the man a chance. he needs time, to show what he can do. Be patient and pray, because this world needs all the help God can give through our leaders.

Monday 30 January 2017

Sunday 29 January 2017

Flashback: Obama Banned Iraqis In 2011 For 6 Months While The Left Was S...

Well you leftists, what did you have to say when Obama did exactly what Trump is doing now, by banning people from those countries for twice the length of time?

Protests for more terror?

So it's a big outcry because Trump wants to protect America from unvetted refugees. The ban is temporary. He told them he was doing it..he gave the reasons on his campaign. He is delivering on his promises. Amazing how quickly social media moves like lightning to get the pussy protestors on the streets bleating. What do they want?.....seems like more of the same..bombings ..nightclub killings...crazed Islamists driving lorries into crowds?
released last week shows more American voters support President Trump's executive order to temporarily suspend immigration from several Middle Eastern…

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Women March to Deception

If you are a Liberal woman you need to click on this link now!

Friday 20 January 2017


Today we have made history and President Donald J Trump is in power as the 45th President of the United States. Here is my poetic offering in commemoration of the day...Please feel free to comment!!


Dedicated to today’s Inauguration of Donald J Trump
as the 45th President of the United States

Today it all begins
On the steps of Capitol Hill
As the floodtide starts to break
And the crowd begin to thrill

Yes, opinion is divided
But the sword of power has passed
Sweeping in a mighty nation change
That may never be surpassed

Despite secrets lies and scandals
And the ranting at his Tweets
Donald Trump has stood his ground
Against globalist elites

They tried to bring him down
Wreck his plans before he starts
With their ‘Pussygates’ and ‘Pepe-gates’
Fake news and protest chants

But the wheels are set in motion
To turn war away with jaw
With a window of détente
Eclipsing Nixon, topping Ford

We stand now at another gate
With a fortress lock to free
Behind it stands division and hate
Mr Trump now holds the key

Thursday 12 January 2017


That sounds dramatic for a title I know, but the events of 2016, have convinced me that the world has turned a corner towards the march of the end days, as described in the Bible. Good news to many, but bad news in the short term, as we see a war for our minds and hearts as never before. Everything that we see happening in world events, the turmoil of nations, mass panic and fear amongst communities hit by random acts of  Islamic terrorism and the manipulation of the minds of populations with endless outright lies, twisted truths and blatant propaganda, point to the prophetic words of Jesus Christ in the New Testament book of Mathew Chapter 24.

The UK's Brexit was the beginning of a revolution across Europe that will not end with the UK. France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Hungary, Austria and others yet to declare, are all seeing the rise of so-called Right Wing 'populist' movements, that basically have one message and that is to bring back sovereignty to Nation states once again. This is a move away from multi-national globalist control, by a small clique of Billionaires fronted by faceless bureaucrats, who are in the shadows of governments power broking their agendas. Men like George Soros, a known Nazi collaborator, who had no conscience in saving his own skin during the Nazi era by helping them in the execution of their systematic methods, leading to the extermination his own Jewish people. A traitor par excellance!

Never before have we seen such a campaign of disinformation by the mainstream TV and Printed media of the West. Outright lies are being served up as truth and the truth is being suppressed, as the Liberal media machine delivers morsels to the masses, who eat what they are dished up, because they often don't have the time and inclination in their workaday lives to question it. This was crystal clear as we saw President-Elect Trump subjected to a gaggle of fake news stories from mainstream media, such as CNN, trying to besmirch his character and integrity with no substantiated proof. We have also seen how Hollywood has been at the tip of the spear of disinformation, with the likes of  Meryl Streep, Robert De Niro and Alec Baldwin, tossing out twisted lies and mockery, that panders to their La La Land bosses, who feed their egos with golden gongs and mutual back slapping sessions, where they can act distraught, dripping tears over their sequins at   $25,000 dollars a ticket. The worst thing about it is the influence it has over young intelligent people, who's false liberalised views are fuelled by politically correct university professors, encouraging mass protest and anarchy.

Campaigns of disinformation are nothing new and the most sickening thing is the unchallenged hypocrisy of our Western media. Russia, for example, like any other nation, although far from perfect in its behaviour, is not really worse than the government in the U.S, that has invaded the Middle East, leaving it in a worse state than before, as ISIS/ Al Qaeda, have had space to grow, leading to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians.

An irony exists where we naturally see all the machinations of Russia, in trying to alter its own political landscape, but Putin himself, in his speeches, clearly sees the decline in Western moral values and highlights them to the embarrassment of the West. He actually comes across as reasonable and speaks a lot of common sense which is all readily available to see on Youtube, so that people can make their own judgements.The West tells us he is a demon, but unless we take the time to listen to him, we will not see why he is so popular in Russia. Donald trump has recognised this I'm sure and sees that there may be a chance for peaceful negotiations with Putin. Naturally, any Western leader who wants to sing from the same hymn sheet as Putin is demonised by the globalist controlled western governments.It takes men like Trump and Nigel Farage in the UK, to speak this common sense and try to show people that as he says, 'jaw jaw is better than war war'

We are now seeing Western nations divide into left and right as never before. In Britain, the Brexit split will simply not go away, as we see plots in the Courts to sabotage the legitimate Referendum vote, given to us by a legitimate government. In the US, the Trump victory just cannot be swallowed by the losing side. They have called into question Trump's victory by using the Red Herring of stating that he lost the 'popular vote', which has never been a component of what decides the winner, in the U.S anyway. On that note, if you take out California, New York and the small East Coast states, which are always Democrat, Trump's win was a landslide, taking far more states and counties than Hillary Clinton, nationwide.That's the whole reason for having the system the U.S has, in the first place.

The wonderful thing that is emerging out of this, is that in spite of all the opposition to Trump, we are starting to see the economy of the U.S awaken with new trade and investment. I believe that God has his hand in what is happening and is confounding the political establishment. Trump's victory was actually prophecied by some Christians some time back before the election, stating that Trump would be a modern day King Cyrus of Ancient Persia, who enabled the Jews to return to their land and rebuild Jerusalem and their Temple, with a period of prosperity and peace, as can be read in the Old Testament book of Iasiah.

We are certainly living in unprecedented times and as we see the forces of chaos, rise up to challenge this new wave of national fervour, they will be increasingly powerless to stop it. The fight will only intensify and that will only serve to send us more quickly along the path to the time when our Lord, Jesus Christ, (Yehsua Ha Masciah in Hebrew) will make his promised return to Jerusalem and stand as King in his Millenial kingdom of real peace and prosperity. I believe that last year, the key has been turned in the door of prophesy and it is now ajar.