Wednesday 21 December 2016

The truth about Assad and Syrian situation on BBC Mainstream News at last.

Tonight it actually happened! It was so refreshing to hear ex-Ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford, tell the British Mainstream Media,'when are you going to smell the Coffee'. On the BBC's 'PM' programme, Ford alluded to the fact (much to the anger and disgust of the interviewer) that the West was just making matters,worse, which of course is what it has been doing for decades in the Middle East, with its policy of regime change.

He went on to say that Assad, as bad as he is, should not be overthrown, but we should accept that he is going NOWHERE and so should work WITH the Russians to stabilise Syria by removing ISIS. Assad already is in control of 80% of territory, so with a further assault on ISIS strongholds, the country can again climb out of the cycle of factional war.

This is not the narrative Western governments want to hear, because the fashion is to demonise Russia and stoke the fire to WW3. He went on to say that Donald Trump would take the approach of working with Russia which we already know from his campaign speeches, is his intention.

It is time Boris Johnson Theresa May and the rest of our UK government realise the need for a new approach. In the US, we see Russia being blamed for 'hacking' the Election, without any proof being disclosed. The US Mainstream Media think their public is stupid enough to accept that just because it is said that there is evidence, it must be true.

The Democrat Liberal Washington elite, naturally want this lie to persist, so that they can continue to de-legitiimise Trump's Presidency, to which they have had no success.

Ford made a powerful statement at the end of the interview when he stated that there would be no Christmas Tree in Aleppo, as there is today, if Assad was removed. It is time we looked back at what fruit has been borne from Western interference as we see once beautiful cities and tourist destinations now in ruins Yes, Hussein and Gadaffi were dictators, as is Assad, but to go from the frying pan to the fire, has only shown how foolish western governments have been.

We can only pray that Trump will usher in a new era of co-operation. He has a strong team, who can't wait to make a difference and pull us back from the brink of more devastation.

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