Friday 30 December 2016


Take a look at @maverick1603's Tweet:

Wednesday 21 December 2016

The truth about Assad and Syrian situation on BBC Mainstream News at last.

Tonight it actually happened! It was so refreshing to hear ex-Ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford, tell the British Mainstream Media,'when are you going to smell the Coffee'. On the BBC's 'PM' programme, Ford alluded to the fact (much to the anger and disgust of the interviewer) that the West was just making matters,worse, which of course is what it has been doing for decades in the Middle East, with its policy of regime change.

He went on to say that Assad, as bad as he is, should not be overthrown, but we should accept that he is going NOWHERE and so should work WITH the Russians to stabilise Syria by removing ISIS. Assad already is in control of 80% of territory, so with a further assault on ISIS strongholds, the country can again climb out of the cycle of factional war.

This is not the narrative Western governments want to hear, because the fashion is to demonise Russia and stoke the fire to WW3. He went on to say that Donald Trump would take the approach of working with Russia which we already know from his campaign speeches, is his intention.

It is time Boris Johnson Theresa May and the rest of our UK government realise the need for a new approach. In the US, we see Russia being blamed for 'hacking' the Election, without any proof being disclosed. The US Mainstream Media think their public is stupid enough to accept that just because it is said that there is evidence, it must be true.

The Democrat Liberal Washington elite, naturally want this lie to persist, so that they can continue to de-legitiimise Trump's Presidency, to which they have had no success.

Ford made a powerful statement at the end of the interview when he stated that there would be no Christmas Tree in Aleppo, as there is today, if Assad was removed. It is time we looked back at what fruit has been borne from Western interference as we see once beautiful cities and tourist destinations now in ruins Yes, Hussein and Gadaffi were dictators, as is Assad, but to go from the frying pan to the fire, has only shown how foolish western governments have been.

We can only pray that Trump will usher in a new era of co-operation. He has a strong team, who can't wait to make a difference and pull us back from the brink of more devastation.

Friday 9 December 2016

News cover ups and the establishment control of information

Our UK media is hardly covering the stories that are flooding the US media at present. You may say it is hardly surprising since our Brexit is taking up a lot of our attention. However, news coverage of many issues on most mainstream media, both sides of the pond, inevitably only give a vague outline which often leaves us hungry to get the why's and wherefore's of what the issues really are, so that we can make an informed decision. There is no meat on the bones to chew on and they take the public for idiots. Nothing new of course. Everyone knows the mainstream media manipulates stories but we often just sit back and accept it without question. Watching the BBC and ITV News leaves me with a sense that I have been seriously short changed.

Regarding the US, we are seeing endless coverage on Internet sites, for example, of the corruption, both sexual and political, that the Clintons are being accused. We are seeing the odd mainstream refutation from Hillary Clinton, saying that 'Pizzagate', (the latest story in the US, concerning a possible child sex ring operated by the Clintons and her cohorts from a Pizza restaurant in Washington DC), is definitely 'fake news'. Fake news  is a new term being coined now in the US, to discredit any stories the mainstream media don't wish to approve. The truth is that neither she or her campaign manager John Podesta who is named in Julian Assange's Wikileaks emails, as implicated in this, don't even attempt to give any explanation of the obvious code words used in the leaked emails regarding this story. That in itself should make us suspicious.

We live in a world where we really have to be suspicious of all media stories, so it is vitally important that we take in a balance of material, from both sides, so that we can discern as much truth as possible. Another example of the need to be balanced in our understanding, was watching John Pilger's expose on the United States' military actions in the South China Sea, in his so-called 'War With China' documentary. It certainly put out some incredible facts about the US' treatment of the poor Marshall Islanders, who have had to suffer the 'invasion' of US military, exploding Hydrogen Bombs on their soil during the 1950's on Bikini Atoll, leaving the place in a state that made the place virtually uninhabitable. This seems like an obvious human rights issue, but no one spoke in the documentary from the US Government, to even justify their actions. To the general public it only now comes up as new news, decades later!

Pilger also goes on to tell us that the US surrounds China with over 400 military bases, with weapons pointed at them and that President Obama's 'Pivot to Asia ' policy has been overseeing a further build up of hardware. From that we could naturally deduce that the US is the aggressor and the controller of the South China Sea, but is that the truth?

From one side we could assume the US wants war with China, on the other side, it can be said the US has had a large presence in the South China sea since the second World War for good reason and wishes to keep the balance of is it a 'no-brainer?

Further confusion arises in the minds of the general public because they are told that Donald Trump musn't have any contact with Taiwan because the US must respect the 'One China' policy of regarding Taiwan as Chinese, so this gives the impression that China rules the roost down there.... there's another contradiction.

Pilger went on to explain that Mao Tse Tung wanted to be a friend to the US, but he omitted to tell us that Mao's revolution was responsible for the deaths of millions.

It is time we stopped just accepting mainstream news and start to make use of the alternative sources on the internet. Many contradict each other, but it is vital we start to think for ourselves more objectively. There is a battle on for our minds.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

The people have spoken

If the UK Parliament get to vote on Article 50, I think every MP that sits in a 'Leave' Constituency and votes to block Brexit against the will of the people he represents in his area must resign! How on earth can a democratic institution tolerate its representatives voting against their own people. It is the same with the US Electoral College. If a State voted for Trump, then it is the duty of the Electors of that State to vote with the people's decision. Agreed or not?

Sunday 4 December 2016

What Brexit?

They talk of Hard, Soft and now Grey White or Black Brexit, where compromise and pay to leave! The only kind if Brexit we can be sure of, unless the people's vote is properly respected is a Bullshit Brexit!!

Trump's no Poodle!

Intresting that the Prime Minister of Taiwan actually phoned Donald Trump because it goes to show that there is more to this than just congratulations. When I lived in south Africa in the 1980's we had a great trading relationship with Taiwan and I think Trump may be thinking the same. Anyway, the main point I want to make is that unlike Obama, he will not be a Poodle to China. Fancy, China virtually telling the US off because Trump took a phone call from the Taiwanese PM!  What crap! Trump is his own man, own President, with his own way of operating to make America a fearless bulwark again. He and as his team of powerful advisors will move forward, free the US from the rules that China imposes on America.

Friday 2 December 2016

NEw Lib Dem MP Skewered on TalkRadio

This interviewer is brilliant! This woman ducked out...shameful pathetic Lib Dems!

Climate Change exaggerations

If Man made climate change were such a threat then why are gas guzzling beasts such as SUV's not being actively discouraged. It's just  tax raising exaggeration bullshit!

Lib Dems Empty Joy!!

Pathetic!! Tim Farron, leader of the Liberal Democrats is ecstatic and grinning like a clown...he's won the Richmond By Election in London and is now declaring that the whole country is turning against Brexit! Total bloody rubbish. No surprise that the London borough of Richmond (that voted 'Remain' in the Referendum) mainly white and very middle class turned in for this bunch of decimated losers, with 8 MP's. Gve me a break!!

Brexit Blues

The biggest error this government has made is not triggering Article 50 on Day One! Now we are possibly being sold out by the likes of traitors to the cause such as David Davis. We haven't even started negotiations and he is already conceeding to making payments to the EU to get single market access. Are we that desperate? The  longer the whole process is held up, the worse it gets as speculation is piled upon speculation. The delay in triggering Article 50 has allowed these anti brexit elements to have a clear road to frustrate and block the process. The EU hate us and it is obvious. Let's get a law passed for Brexit and get OUT NOW!

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Is Romney Trump's Judas?

We are still waiting to hear who DJT has picked for Secretary of State. Here's a theory...Mitt Romney could be a choice in the same way Jesus chose Judas! Sounds crazy, but Trump has plans and keeping your potential enemies close in order for you to not only make maximum use of their inside knowledge, but to ensure that they don't put spanners in the works for the plans you have hatched, could be an advantage.

Monday 28 November 2016

Trump is still the victor

Whichever way you cut it..DJT will be President! END OF! It is ordained and no weapon formed against that will stand. He isn't perfect but I believe he is God's choice. There was vote rigging by the Dems. Illegals voted..dead people voted and some voted multiple times! America needs to stop this feuding NOW!

Sunday 27 November 2016

A New Beginning (?)

It's a new world! Mr Trump will be in the Oval Office, Mr Farage IS the UK's unofficial US diplomat, Mr Castro is gone at last and Brexit plus plus plus will happen and nothing will stop it!! What a great year we have had on the geopolitical front!!