Wednesday 30 November 2016

Is Romney Trump's Judas?

We are still waiting to hear who DJT has picked for Secretary of State. Here's a theory...Mitt Romney could be a choice in the same way Jesus chose Judas! Sounds crazy, but Trump has plans and keeping your potential enemies close in order for you to not only make maximum use of their inside knowledge, but to ensure that they don't put spanners in the works for the plans you have hatched, could be an advantage.

Monday 28 November 2016

Trump is still the victor

Whichever way you cut it..DJT will be President! END OF! It is ordained and no weapon formed against that will stand. He isn't perfect but I believe he is God's choice. There was vote rigging by the Dems. Illegals voted..dead people voted and some voted multiple times! America needs to stop this feuding NOW!

Sunday 27 November 2016

A New Beginning (?)

It's a new world! Mr Trump will be in the Oval Office, Mr Farage IS the UK's unofficial US diplomat, Mr Castro is gone at last and Brexit plus plus plus will happen and nothing will stop it!! What a great year we have had on the geopolitical front!!